Children's Tae Kwan Do Class

After stopping their Art Class, the children wanted to join the Tae Kwan Do class conducted at our block once every week. They have attended class for a couple of months now. Baobao missed the recent exam as he broke his arm.

Meimei is not "official" and not paying any fees yet. They let her join for free, just to see how long she can last. Her interest has lasted quite well, but not very reliable. As she did not attend class when Baobao was absent due to his injury.

When I saw the instructor kept correcting her, I wanted to go and teach her myself..can't bear to see her not getting it right. 

She is the youngest in the class and looks super cute amongst the bigger classmates. Small little button.

But..erm.... Maybe too young. Although she does well for her age being attentive, she cannot understand some instructions. If serious, really need 1-to-1 coaching. Now I intend to get them do the kicks everyday for practice. Have thought of just letting her masak masak also, but if we are learning, might as well put in some effort.

As for Baobao, as a guy, it's is always good to learn some martial art. We had let him do wushu at age 4 before. But the school sucked, and wore him out without caring for his age.

Glad he is still eager to take it up now. If a guy can do cool TKD kicks and maybe play an instrument well, I would so fall for him...(see I so take care of the future female population leh) 

Ok, that should be secondary to trying to develop him spatial intelligence via sports..That's the problem with mommies who watch too much drama. :P

Looking good, Baby! He does ...well, alright. Let's hope we can keep up with the training on other days. In my opinion, learning must take place more than once a week to do well.

After watching them on the sideline for a few times, I really like Tae Kwan Do. Some of the older youngsters kick so well (btw, Tae Kwan Do is almost all about kicks) and they look super cool with their kicks, bursting with explosive energy. Just love the energy. 男的女的都超帅的。

I hope to join them when I feel confident enough. Auntie lai liao!!  Now, afraid might sprain my somewhere if I do. It is quite an strenuous exercise. While I do used to be a 运动健将 (ta da - surprise!) Now am only a 生病刚复原的,肥肥的,曾经的运动健将。 :(

I'm gonna be a very secure Mommy. :)

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