Old Graduation Photos

Found these old photos in my mother's place. Not that I do not have them at home. But they are buried too deep in the storeroom.

These were from 1995.  It was a big thing back then, so we took the gown and went all over places to take photos, with friends and families.

I believe it is still quite a big thing today. But I think it was much more significant in those days, when there were less graduates than today.

Like this one because I was wearing jeans and boots beneath the gown. This was Botanical Gardens. My Aunt brought me there.

This was Cityhall. Lovely backdrop isn't it? I look at this and remember the aspirations we had when we graduated. Like, hey world, here we come!

Oh, my SYT days...had my hair cut specially for this at a saloon at Thomson by a hairdresser who served artistes like Zoe Tay, etc.. From then till now, layered shoulder length hair is the only one that EVER suits me in my whole life.

Still waiting for one day when I can summon enough courage to go for the Auntie style, my dream style. It'll be like some kind of breakthrough in my mind more than anything.  

Look at Twinsmom! So slim and young and pretty! That is my Ah Por on the far right. She was at the beginning stage of dementia then, abit blur blur, but still always in good spirits. Love her! muaks! We took this at a garden in Johor Bahru.

Wah, this one, so stylo... The style is so timeless isn't it? I think it still looks pretty cool in today's context.

I looked so agreeable. Haha. And I was. I was a meek and shy fresh grad in the early days.The first few years of my working days, I was this blur queen. I was like bluffed around, not knowing what the world had in store for me. And always expecting to be taken care of. Only after a couple of years of bumping around, I learnt that no one was going to take care of me except for myself. And I learnt to stand up for myself, and fight for my own welfare. That was how I become.....

The TIGRESS of today!!

I look back to my younger days with alot of self pity. Still, even today. As I see how well taken care of my kids are, I can't help but feel a certain hollow in my heart for the younger me. Oh, I shan't dwell on it.

Because I had never progressed well in terms of career, I saw very lightly of my degree. Also varsity days weren't as exciting and memorable for me like for my friends. I do not even keep in touch with most of them.

But I later realised I took it for granted alot. The university education taught me how to learn. Through studying those different subjects, I see how people tackle problems which are unknown to us. As in you learn the skills in how to approach problems. I dunno how to say it more clearly, but I value my uni education for that.  

Just today, I saw in the news that NTU has emerged amongst the top 50 universities of the world. Impressive. But I feel distant with the school. Never feel like the school owes me anything, nor I owe it anything. That's how thin our relationship is.  

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2 persons said

  1. 样子一点都没变过!youlgo

    1. 是吗?hehe...因为我没有电那个auntie的发型,还有最近减一点肥吧。:)
