'Tis The Season...

Of Broken Things.

I returned from Malaysian trip and my galaxy tab will not start up again. I thought the charging cable was spoilt, bought a new one and it did not help. Had to go to a Samsung Service Centre to get it checked.

Last week, Meimei had a fall at the playground and hurt the back of her head. There was a small cut and a bump. Oh, you wouldn't want to know how she fell. Blueh. As she looked ok after observation, we let her heal by herself.

Monday, I had to travel to some obscure industrial park at Kampung Ubi to have some spoilt parts of my gas stove changed. It's been making some boom boom boom sound for weeks, I tolerated it but my rice was getting burnt due to the malfunction.

I took Meimei with me, wheeled a stroller, luckily there was an mrt station near the timbaktu place, but the walk to and fro the mrt station was quite some distance and took a while to find the place. Oh bother!

Yesterday, we were doing our usual playground time in the evening at the garden. The kids were doing dangerous stunts on their scooters and kept tripping and falling. I kept warning them, but somehow they just kept going.

Soon, they got out of their scooters and played at the playground. Suddenly,


I turned and saw Baobao on the ground crying in pain. One look at the elbow showed that a bone was out of place. Either a dislocation, or fracture. So, 9pm at night, sent him to the nearby hospital to get treatment.

Took an xray and it showed one of the bones on his arm near the elbow was fractured. Plastered him and send him home.

He looked exceptionally calm at the ER. So I was quite calm too. It's ok , I thought, fractured bones, just plaster and let it heal. 12.30am go home and sleep. End of day.

But nooooo.....he was in great pain at night and woke up many times wailing in pain. Gave him painkillers but still moaned and groaned. Like a baby. Because hor, fractured arm some more still tossed and turned like normal. So groaned each time he pressed the arm. I had to laugh because it was looking abit dumb.

Poor boy, bumped his head in April and now this. 犯太岁?

Some many broken things to fix in the past two weeks. Maintenance fortnight.

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