Here's how a FULL SAHM day is like.

I will admit. I was running around like a chicken without head yesterday. But I like, erm, only...did ALOT of things.

After sending the kids to school, I suddenly felt like singing. So I took out the guitar and started to strum and play. I realised one string had snapped, but just made do with 5 strings. (Desperate)

All the time knowing full well I was supposed to be repainting Gossie's house. BB's storytelling prop had discoloured to a dull yellow which was unfit for stage. But no, auntie just wanted to play.

Then rushed to fetch MM home from her playgroup, and prepared lunch. Lunch was leftover chicken pumpkin soup, fried chicken (the frozen processed type) and stir- fried cauliflower, bittergourd and carrot. The kids loved it, and they yummy yummed throughout the meal. Ah~Satisfaction for mom.

After lunch the kids played, while I hopped online to check my orders. Did some browsing. Then, inspired by the pictures, went to take pictures of my new fabric. It was a great load off my chest. Taking pics of merchandise has become quite a chore. So I felt very productive.

Still not working on Gossie's house.

The kids went to nap at 4.00pm, late. After I finished photographing, there was still some time before preparing dinner. So I took out the house finally. And started pasting new colour paper on it.

Good thing I used paper pasting to colour this time. Faster than painting.

Half way through, I had to leave everything in a mess on the floor to go prepare dinner.

Dinner time, usual hoo ha..meimei quick eat your food, baobao don't just watch tv, eat....blah blah blah.

Then Papa returned from work. Looking all tired.

I cleaned up the table after the children and I, and continued working on the house. That done, the kids played with the paper leftovers while I cleared the table after Papa. It didn't help that Papa was extra tired and unhelpful that night. After dinner, he just watched TV!

I did the dishes and then came out to clean the mess from gossies house and the children's craft. Thought just sweep, and sleep. But one thing led to another, i swept the whole place and started mopping.

By this time, the volcano had erupted. Started scolding the kids, because I was vey tired. And there's a special someone who just wanted to lounge around, "after a loooooooong day at work ".

Sweep sweep sweep....face became blacker and blacker by the minute. I did not express my dear feelings to my Dear because I know that he did not know I had a very long day myself. I was running all the scoldings in my mind, only for my own entertainment. I knew I was feeling that way because I was too tired. It didn't help that yesterday was the first day I doubled my daily excercise of walking up the stairs to our home twice. So extra tired.

Good thing he helped to bathe the kids, made milk, and put them to sleep.

I then took a bath and wanted to go straight to bed after that, when I heard Meimei cried from her bedroom.

Went in and saw Papa with the cane. And meimei complained,"我睡不着, 爸爸没有sayan 还要骂我,还要拿藤条打我!"

If I possessed the level of energy I have right now, I would have pulled the hubby out and have a duel with him.

But I was too tired to do anything. So I laid beside Meimei and thank goodness the kids slept well last night.


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6 persons said

  1. 打理家务不简单。想下要干净衣服随时可以喝牛奶汽水用不完的厕纸,随时随地找到想吃的零食还有工作回家有热热的饭菜有时候还要变化弄粥粉面..这还不包括孩子的部分。Youlgo

  2. 对啊,繁琐之至。都要分几天做不同的东西才能做完 one round, 然后就回来repeat.


  3. 所以听到人家说哎呀你整天在家里没事做就很反感。这个是我有自己的家以后才感觉够力..youlgo

  4. 明白。如果有人酱说我,我就挑战他上武当山决斗。

    好笑的是哦, 有些不是全职在家的朋友, 我还没开口说,他们就很明白,然后帮我讲到完。我想说,我还没说呢!哈哈,当然朋友也不过是体谅罢了。

  5. 太感动了,终于早到‘同道’中人!

  6. CS, 抱抱。真的,一天对于我们还真的太短了。做过同样的工作才会知道那繁琐。

    有些人会因为受不了而放弃,让家里乱,把电视当保姆。只要我们尽力做好自己的事情,维持好一个家,就算是对得起孩子,丈夫和自己了。其他不管, 也无法管。
