The 14th Sep Earthtone Newspaper

Because got a few things to sampoh about, so all put into one blog post.

The laminator! Quite useful.

Yesterday, the kids fought. And meimei crumpled Baobao's Captain America shield. image That sent the boy bawling his eyes out. Hell has no fury like a boy's handmade toy torn, man. Actually, cannot tell him lah. Everyday the toy is thrown around. And how long can paper last? Before meimei perpetuated its fate, the poor shield was already half limping, kiam cai kiam cai already. Meimei merely gave it a final push to the dumpsters.


Baobao would not allow that.

"Draw and make another one." I suggested. "Or I can print one for you. Nicer."

"But I coloured this, so painstakingly!" Admist tears.

"Ok, I will see what I can do. Hmmm...maybe run it through the laminator?"

That placated him. So here we are today.

It freakin' works okay! See how all the creases were smoothed out. Thumbs up for laminator.

I was moved by his insistence to repair it. I guess that only comes because he had made it himself. Careful drawing, colouring and designing. I am too happy to be able to help him restore.

All that recycling concepts he learnt in school did not go to waste. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. And the shield was originally made from recycled paper.


Few of those times. Sticking educational materials on the wall. That was my initial intention for getting the laminator.

Not bad. Can wallpaper off my ugly wall. And can also use water marker to let meimei practice writing. Will add interest. Took about 45 mins.


This morning sending Baobao to school, Ben's mother was waiting for us outside.

"Hallo, Meimei! :) :D I was WAITING for you! "

She took out a flapping hands toy and gave it to Meimei. One of those gifts found in a goodie bag in a community walk recently. We have a few at home.

"No, No, No..." I said. "Dont give her this, we have many at home..." I am anal about letting small somethings into our house.

I remembered I need to send Baobao to school, so I hurried the children off to school. After that we took a different path back home.

Man, that was some harassment. I felt harassed.

Actually, I was thinking of getting some health products, but the manner she is doing it really puts me off. I have a mind to just give it to her straight the next time she tries to pull off such stunts on me again.

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2 persons said

  1. i come here to read my daily newspaper ok. once a day publication i expect, k?

