HELLO! My Friend!

Ben's house just got painted beginning of this year. I requested his mom if we could go up their unit and have a look at the workmanship as we intended to get our house painted too.

Ben is Baobao's classmate. His mom and I used to meet and talk after their class last year. This year, after we visited their house during chinese new year, I vaguely felt that I have been shunned. Running into each other often, what used to be some small talks were reduced to hi and bye.

Oh nevermind. People can choose their friends as they like. Maybe she doesn't like me.

This afternoon, when MM and I were approaching the school.....

"HI, how have you been? Havent seen you in a while!"

I was taken aback by the sudden warmth but willingly soaked it up. It's always nice to be greeted warmly.

"We haven't had tea for so long already, " she went on.
"One of these days we should get together and have coffee."

Before long, she fished out a brochure. Health products.

Wah, have a bit more class mah. 180 degree this auntie heart attack cannot take it.

So much for friendship. Amazing what money can do. Hubby said sure is kena brainwashed by products company. So now all the friends look like walking $$$ to them.

Auntie, been there, done that..take it easy ok?

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