Kranji Countryside - Fireflies Organic Farm 2

cont'd from Kranji Countryside - Fireflies Organic Farm 1

Then there are the produce - yummy yummy organic greens..

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

These are first nurtured in a nursery, oh man, this auntie is already salivating at thee babies... (cue big grey wolf image)

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

And then we saw this in one of the tents..nobody around. The owner said we could walk around, so we saw this. Thank goodness the fb farm days are long over or I wouldn't be able to stop myself from stealing these vegetables!

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

Here's our loot for the day, bought from two different farms, Quanfa Organic Farm and Fireflies Organic Farm. For organic vegetables, aren't they mighty cheap? The farmers told me they sell their produce in the my neighbouring market too, so I will be checking them out.

Wait till you see them on the table!

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

Here we are, just the chye sim with chicken breast. Crunchy and fresh.

organic vegetable,chye sim, organic vegetable singapore

Tomato, chicken and Chye Sim. I could taste the goodness in them. 

But they don't last so well like normal vegetable. I am not sure if it was because I didn't buy a fresher pack, but I cooked these in the afternoon, and by dinner, the leftovers was turning brown. Unbelievable. Truly organic?

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