Kranji Countryside - Gardenasia & Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

All in, we visited 4 farms on that day. And here are pics from the other two.

Gardenasia is a landscaping company. While I said the vegetable farm was not well kept because they are probably too busy, this compound is immaculately maintained. According to what was written on some of the write ups, the company has been around for 100 years!

What an achievement.

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

I had wanted to come and shop for some potted plants for our home. But apparently, they are not in the nursery business, more in landscaping and garden design..

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

Inspired by these wall tiles. I am planning to get a small one for my air con ledge garden which I am in the process of setting up. Oh but these are soo beautiful...

But hold your breathe for this one!

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

 We were here the last time and we had not seen this. Isn't this just a work of beauty? I was spellbound.

The stone made chapel is SO Beautiful!

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

This company also provides wedding service. They have dinning halls and villas for wedding couples to hold their reception here, and make their vow in this lovely chapel.

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

"I promise to be super cute; rich or poor, in sickness or in health..."

And then as promised to the kids, a visit to the fish farm to catch lokang fish.

So we were back again at Hausmann Marketing Aquarium to do the drill again.

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

Price has increased from the last time $3 to $4. But the kids LOVED it. I could see the fire in their eyes when they ran around trying to prey on those poor fishes.  They didn't want to stop after the 30 minutes.

But I told Baobao we can't so this sport too often, poor fishes, think of living in constant fear...abit sick right?

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

Here was their catch for the day. Baobao helped Meimei with some.

kranji countryside, organic vegetable farm in singapore, Gardenasia,  Hausmann Marketing Aquarium

And what a conincidence, when I went through our previous photos with the kids last night, Baobao noticed that he used the same pail from last time, No. 30! (4D inspiration for this weekend :3030)

And so ended our trip for the day.
We rented the car from 10-4pm that day and returned about 3.30pm. 
I had a row with Papa in the morning and he was sulky for the day.
Essentially, I wanted to go but he didn't want to. So even though the trip
was great fun for us three, one person was sulking almost the whole time. 

It rained heavily while we were there, but luckily for us, it only did whenever
we were on our way to different farms. Pouring! But once we got to the farms, 
we kinda avoided the rain clouds.

My main aim was to check out the organic farms. Well, they have small shops 
at the farms themselves, but the vegetables on sale were not of many varieties.
At least not like what they have on the order form.

I guess organic products have not caught on here in Singapore.
With cheaper vegetables coming from Malaysia, it is hard to fight for a piece of the market.

As it is, when we were there, it was apparent the "agritainment" concept
which the farms tried to market was not a roaring success. It was quite quiet on 
a weekend.

Anyway, hope it will continue. It will, I believe. We have strategic reasons to maintain
some kind of food source on our own land. And as people have more demand for 
a healthier and holistic lifestyle, organic products will definitely gain traction in Singapore.


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