Art Garden 2012 - Contemporary Art for Children

Boy oh Boy oh Boy oh Boy!
Was it hard to get this post up!? 

For one, uploading pics is never easy, less so such a big number of pictures.
And then photobucket, my photo host has to act up. This post was meant for two weeks ago, and somehow, because it was meant to be put up and not, whatever that comes behind just get clogged up. No, I'm not talking about some sophisticated blog scheduling system here. Just me. Without posting this which I had meant to, I just felt clogged and couldn't post others. Duh me.


This is the second year we went to this arts exhibition. Because the last was good and the children enjoyed it. If it is held every year, we will go every year. Because it is so good.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

This picture is great! but they have to be blurry.  :( Colours are so pretty it is fit for a poster. So I made one. Heh.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

We took the train to Dohby Gaut and transferred to the Circle Line to get to Bras Basah station. It is a station with a modern industrial design. Quite apparently some design ideas had been used on this. Subtle, yet classy. 

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
The Singapore Arts Musuem. This used to be the school premise of a mission school St Joseph's Instituition. Last year, the exhibition was held here. But this year, it is moved to another gallery accross the side road, SAM at 8Q.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art 
Cheeky pose with Walter the mascot..

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
Catherdral or chapel(?) for the previous Catholic High School behind SAM. Singapore used to be a colony of Britain. For this reason, there are quite a number of very beautiful cathedrals around the town area.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
Here we were, right across the catherdral.
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
Your obligatory been here, done that tourist pic. haha...Mommy very old school.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
The exhibition is still on, if you may be interested. Free for kids and $10 for adult. So cheap lor!!

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
There are a number of hands on area for the kids, and this was one. just colouring. As you see this is a very age appropriate event for my kids.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
Done, you get to cut out your flower and paste it on the wall. Children thus create their own art installation. 

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
Baobao's vibrant piece.

Next door, a place where you can make clay art using normal daily items. Like cloth pegs, paper clips etc.

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

These are the exhibits
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Especially like this one. Really beautiful..
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Details. The items used for imprints are shown below the artwork. I get the idea, art is not expensive nor exclusive. Love it!
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Our products, made with a key and paper clip. Hallo, hallo, where are our spot lights?!!
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

There's a theatre which screens short films. This is one memorable one, as the picture is very whimsical and beautiful. We saw this last year, this picture is in fact from last year. They did repeat some exhibits.
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art
This is where you enter a small area and record your dance moves, then you can come out and see yourself on the big screen. Quite fun and hilarious , watching the various dances by others...Everyone was having so much fun..
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Box decorations
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Murals on the walls of the 8Q musuem.
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Again a repeat exhibit from last year below. Where kids get to play doll changing clothes on the wall..

This is the pic from last year. :)

Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

Here kids get to make an origami flower or leaf and stick to the wall. The musuem attendant here could have been jilted by her boyfriend on that day. Glum max! 
Singapore Art Museum, Arts Garden 2012, children's art

We had great fun, just like last year. And so I needed to post these pics. I generally enjoy the very comfortable arty environment, the kids get alot of hands on activities. It's perfect. I wish they have more of such places to go to. 

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