Baobao's Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

I will like to make a note for this special event in Baobao's life...

We attended his graduation concert from kindergarten on Thursday and tremendously enjoyed ourselves for the night..(even though we queued for nearly 100 min to get in, and quarrelled with others whom we thought jumped our queue)

I joined 3 other mommies in my neighbourhood ( although there are countless as all the kids are from the neighbourhood!) and took a bus to the performing venue at Republic Polytechnic.

We did not prepare dinner and were famished while queueing..Good thing there was a cafeteria nearby and I bought some burgers and sandwiches to wolf down.

Papa took a ride from Baobao's schoolmate's father who works in the same area and joined us after work.

We were in and here's Meimei before and during the how. She appreciated the show and enjoyed the whole experience very much..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

Baobao appeared amongst the very first and I was caught off guard, so no pics of him on stage. He acted as the Thai King. The words which the teacher taught him to say was done without a micro phone, so I was abit disappointed as there was not much of a role or limelight, but I think the whole experience was great for him..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

The stage with its lighting was very beauitful. This was the dance which he was originally chosen for but was dropped due to his chest pain. It was a very beautiful dance..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

Cha Cha dance, put up by children  from Baobao's centre too..The girls' skirts were shiny and beautiful! My friends' sons were in this dance..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

On to other centres' performance - with a beautiful Japanese backdrop.

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

Beautiful lighting enhanced the whole experience..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

Chinese umbrella dance for the story of Mulan.

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

BOLLYWOOD! This was one of the best dances. The rhythm was strong, and the girl at the centre in red, WOW, she was great! Best dancer of the night and she never tired.

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

The grand finanle dance - Wake Me Up Before You Go Go!

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011


After the show, we hung out outside the auditorium and took some pics. Thats' Baobao with his queen, who is much taller than him. Quite comic on stage..

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011These are him with Prince Williams and the Thai dancers, my friends' sons.

PCF Kindergarten Graduation Concert 2011

The blue bag they were holding contained their dinner. And poor things, they went to school at 2.30pm that day after lunch and had not eaten till the show was over - 9.30pm! No wonder when I first met Baobao outside, he was not interested in taking pics but kept scrambling for food from the blue bag which contained their dinner!

It was a very positive experience overall. The kids, needing to perform, had to wait long at school, then at the performing venue. Baobao recounted his day in detail to me at night, but obviously savouring every moment. Even though he wasn't the star or centre of limelight. In that sense I am happy. It teaches him teamwork, and the joy of being a small part of a hugely successful performance.     

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4 persons said

  1. Hey! I just noticed this blog (after I met u). Oh! Wow! I think this is more high class place for K2 graduation. My #2 boy last time was at the open space beside S. Plaza only.(!_!). My girl will perform Thai dancing too but......let see lah the ceremony coming soon.

  2. Haha..nevermind where the place is, as long as the kids enjoy themselves right?

    Can I ask if I can get tickets for your girls.concert. My son says he is interested to watch other schools

    And so nice to meet you! That was fun. We really quite you yuan fen. :)

  3. Nice to meet you too. About the tickets I need to check with the teacher first. Will let you know.

  4. Thumb up for BaoBao :)

    MeiMei还是一样可爱,每次BaoBao表演,她都会很专心看~ 很乖~
