A Happy Encounter

What are the chance that a fellow SAHM who lives in your neighbourhood blogs,take photos, SEWS, cooks and shares the same interests as you meet you face to face by chance, after knowing you via your blog?

100% for me.

I have not known CS for too long. It is via blogging that we get to know each other. She leaves comments in my blog regularly, and I have her craft and photo blogs on my google reader too.

I love that she takes the initiative ( like Lihlih and Youlgo, 2 other blog readers) to talk me to first. Cause I had been so busy (or too invloved in my own little universe per se :p), I wasn't getting to know people much.

So today, as our family approached the entrance of our neighbourhood shopping mall, I saw a lady who looks vaguely familiar. I thought she looks like CS but younger than her blog pic, and with shorter hair. At first I wasn't sure...
Then, I saw her looking at my kids, with an expression that said the same was going on in her mind. "hmm..these kids look like ET's kids.." Haha..
When our eyes met and she smiled, we knew our guesses were correct. What a happy thing to have met her?! And we talked so well, like we have known for long.
Nice to meet you, CS. It was a beautiful conincidence. :)

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4 persons said

  1. Wish next time we can go yam cha togeher. Not only conincidentally.^_^

  2. Sure, CS. Let's do one of these days.
    When I am better, I will msg you on facebook and arrange.. :)

  3. Not rush, take your time. My boys exam untill 3Nov..

  4. Haha, I saw my name :P. 加油加油:)
