Writing with a clear head after a month

I crashed into the emergency dept of a nearby hospital on Monday night because the illness was too sickening for me.

I was feeling a little bit of everything! Nausea, fatigue, dizziness, tiredness in the chest. Everything just did not feel right. I called the husband to return home quickly after work and set off for the A&E department.

At the hospital, my brother came from work and accompanied me.

They did various tests on me. ECG, x-ray, blood tests.

Lying on the bed waiting for my ECG, I was sure something was majorly wrong because I felt so sick.

After a round of consultation with the doctor, he did not find anything wrong.

So I took the blood test and xray.

Turned out I was anaemic. Iron deficiency.

I am just glad my heart and kidneys are doing ok. It means I am given a second chance for my high blood pressure. So I will eat carefully now.

So I returned home with iron tablets and had taken them for 3 days. Feeling better but still dizzy at times.

Let's hope things get better from now.

The GP had been very ineffective through this all. They were not quick enough to order blood tests for me. I saw 2 doctors at the same clinic at 3 visits. the first one asked me to go home and take some good rest, the second one called me hypertension just at one(or two) readings at the clinic. The Chinese physician failed too, this time I saw the female one. Maybe I should try that male physician.

All in, I have had 6 visits and saw 4 doctors to finally get correctly diagnosed. (hoping this is the final correct diagnosis). I really shake my head and wonder, for serious illness, are we to wait till all's too late, when the symptoms show left right centre before we can finally get the right diagnosis? While I understand I am no royalty, and do not expect some medical entourage to follow me around, it's kind of scary to be trusting your health to a medical profession of this standard. So does it re-affirm my conclusion that GPs are only good for cough and flu, and skin infections?



6 persons said

  1. 竟然是贫血!血都不够high不起来,so,人家也不可以骂我们全家都血压高了。


  2. 爱吃就是爱吃。人家讲生病你都可以讲去吃。

  3. 铁片可能会造成大便便秘,颜色很黑的。小心吃多点水果。youlgo

  4. Thanks, Busy Bee..
    Youlgo, 有,可是还是。。。

  5. 一定要好好照顾自己!! 小心吃的方面,喝点盐水会不会好一点啊?我公公以前常常就给我喝盐水,如果我便秘 @.@

    有时间才update blog :)
