我爱韩剧 《清潭洞爱丽丝》



先说我最喜欢的朴施厚就好,表现得好亮眼。尤其 第三到第六集,那股锋芒简直太刺眼,让人几乎睁不开眼睛。正逢那几天看到 “如日方中”那个成语。觉得形容他现在的状况非常贴切。



女主角文瑾英也很棒。年纪轻轻,却非常很有实力。听说是个很好的姑娘。我家老公说,喜欢她很诚实纯洁的感觉。美丽可爱皮肤好就不用说了。对于她,虽然剧名是《 清潭洞爱丽丝》 ,可是朴施厚太亮眼,感觉有点抢了她的戏。她的戏因为角色的关系,有点闷骚。。但还是喜欢她。 :)

剧情很精彩,开场两集关于女人追求名牌的心态,社会写实评论写得很好。剧中,女二为了摆脱困境,不惜牺牲爱情往上攀。本剧在对错的处理并不黑白。就喜欢这样,因为颠覆了常人的伦理观念,给予所谓的“坏人”同情的眼光,感觉比较接近现实。 不是吗?谁生出来就决定自己是坏蛋?



生活没有一定的历练根本写不出这样的台词,这样的剧。 编剧很强大。



于是乎,我完全沦陷。。一个星期拜六,礼拜两集,我可以中间重看又重看。 百遍不腻。

我爱韩剧《 清潭洞爱丽丝》-漂亮,贵气,可是温暖的爱情却还是很靠近人心。!加油!

English Translation:-

You can call me crazy. But if I cannot express my love for this drama in my own blog, then I am not being totally true to myself.

"Obsession" is not even close to to describe my love fully for this drama!

First let's talk about my favourite actor Park Si Hoo. What a blinding performance, especially from episodes 3 to 6. So bright I almost cannot open my eyes. There's a Chinese saying “如日方中” which likens a person at the height of his achievement to the sun at its brightest during noon time,and the idiom fits him to a tee right now.  He just simply shines in Cheongdamdong Alice and overdshadows everything else.

Imagine a man in his thirties, laughing and crying over love. Add in his little cute expressions and actions, it makes one wanna laugh and cry with him. LAUGH especially!
How can a grown man be so cute? So cute I feel like pinching his cheeks! (Never really dream I would ever say this of a grown man. Ha!).

But at the workplace, he is totally charismatic, composed and can hold his own.  Park Si Hoo is extrememly lucky to have gotten a brilliant script like this. And he grabs it by the horn and returns a sterling performance. While I don't think he aces in every scene, his acting thus far is quite enough to behold.  

And dun get me started with his style!  He carries all those suits extremely well with great style, so natural and exude such smoothness.  

Be it acting cool, or acting cute, or even acting dumb, he delivers with great aplomb. It's not a stretch to call him the most exquisite man on earth, (if you could ever use "exquisite" on men, that is..haha..)

The plot works great too. In the first two episodes, the drama gives an insightful commentary on the psychology of women who love branded goods. The social commentaries are good too. The second female lead sacrificed love for a chance to move up the social ladder. And the drama does not condemn in the first two episodes. I like it this, it is not so straight up black and white. And it gives a space for viewers to see the reason why people do the things they do, which we label as "bad" or "materialistic". If we have never stood in their shoes, how can we judge?

And I especially love a quote from the drama,

"Man will always rationalised their wrongdoings in order to live with themselves."

It's impossible to come up with lines like this if one hasn't been through life enough.

I like the directing, editing, music, they are all good to me and enhance the overall entertainment this drama provides. As the drama is set in fashion conscious Cheongdamdong, the fashion is also very enjoyable to ogle at too. Especially Park Si Hoo in his dashing suits. Makes me swoon. There are cuff links, there are wide-peaked necklines, then there are handkerchief clips? Never knew there are so many details to men's suits. I totally enjoy the "technical" aspects of suits designs. 

Korean dramas are made while they run on TV. In episode 3, SCJ followed HSK for a very long walk to make sure she was ok. When they reached HSK's home, the first snow of Seoul in winter 2012 fell on Park Si Hoo. That was also the very first snow we experienced when we were in Korea. It's a magical feeling to be going through the same weather as the Korean stars!

So, I am completely wasted. The show only airs on Sat and Sun and I can rewatch them in between umpteen times without getting sick. :P

I love Korean drama Cheongdamdong Alice. So pretty, so elegant, but the love story is so warm and close to heart. Fighting!  

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