
Oh My, is it over yet? I dunno. I hope so.

The children took turns to get sick from Monday and all the memories I have of this week has been sponging.

Sponge Baobao, and when he recovered sponge Meimei.

Call me Bob, Sponge Bob Square Pants.

Sleeping late and getting interrupted sleep. And guess what?

I am still in one piece! Yay!

Just a quick note before I scoot off the sleep.

I think I have found the holy grail to good health! (Again! you say..haha)


So lor, long time ago when mata wear shorts that time ah,
maybe last year, my sis Twinsmom gave me a gazillion packs
of wheatgrass drink produced by her company.

As an avid collector of health drinks, I carefully kept the gazillion packets
in this cute retro enamel pot...and never got around to using them.

You are suppose to drink three packets (5g each) per day, but like who got time?

One fine day, I came across juicing and began looking at the pot,
and then began drinking those three packets religiously over two weeks.

With absolute no scientific proof or logical explanation on
my part, I think they freakin' work!

I dunno how to say, proofs are stupid proof like I have
endured this tough past week still functioning as a human being.

Last week, we went swimming at Jurong East and this old Auntie went to try
out the slide at the pool. The adventurous type whereby you slide down and
think that's your last day on earth, as all same age aunties like me would
have thought.

And I....*drumroll*.........


Ain't it queer? It's queerer than the queerest queer.

The thought that went through my mind when I did that was,

"What the hell am I thinking??!! Oh, my neck, it is so gone!"

(Wait,have to tell you this. Baobao slid down with me and had
a terrible scare. Tell you that slide was no gentle rabbit, it was
definitely T-REX for old aunties and small children like him. And he told me,
this went through his mind when he slid down

"Oh no, I am going to die. I will drown and I will die.."

Laugh die me...)

But really no joke. Scary slide.

Anyways...well, all in so many words, that's all I am trying to

Wheatgrass juice works for me.

At last I am now looking into the diet part, and have been told
by varied sources that our present day diet is too acidic. So people
recommend juicing raw veges, to retune our body back to a more alkaline state.

Dun say, even Cancer patients and going full throttle on it
and having good results. So, at the moment, that's my health fad...

bahahaha.. I know, how many health fads am I going to go through right?

Since I am now KING OF THE WORLD( well, erm nearly), I will go
back to slimming excercise when I can, which is soon.

Oh, and also just a note. The dang facial massge dun work anymore.
I have been looking like an old hag recently again. :(

Gotta go, bye! :)

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