Seoul - First Stop, Myeong Dong

So here I am. 

After about a week in Seoul, updating for the first time.
Finally, when my senses are not so overwhelmed anymore.

What a fortnight it had been! Kids sick and the trip in jeopardy.

With their high fever, I thought we nearly would not make it. Thank God we did.

It's cold here.Brrrrrrr. End of autumn. Very cold for us.

We stayed in Myeong Dong for the first three days. 
Really nice are with lots of cosmetic shops, lovely eateries, and served by 3 subway stations. 

Not all the stations have lifts here and the first day, we had some adventure lugging the bags and caring for two cold shock kids.

The children were in utter shock when they breathed in the first breath of cold air. 
So was I. It went way into the lungs. We were very not used to it. 
The hotel was a short walk away from the subway station. 
But save for Papa, we all trudged through the cold like we were in the North Pole.

The first meal was a lovely porridge and rice cake fried with beef. Best. 

The rice cake was soooo smooth and Q.

But that's all for now, Folks. More pics later..I need to go sleep now...ZZZZzzzzz

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