Children's Drawings - Candy Shop

This picture is a depiction of a very pretty candy shop we patronised in Phuket, Thailand. We bought some sweets from there, the children loved the shop.

This was drawn entirely by Baobao...

He is very detailed in his drawing. But he likes to draw very small. The spatial layout is not perfect to me.  I often ask him to draw bigger! Not for whatever, only so that I can scan easier. :P..

Again, magnified parts of the pic. 

(plaid background from puglypixie)

The logo is the actual logo he copied from the packaging. The shop layout is also accurate. The sweets, some he made them up, some not. The teeth sweet is real, I think. So cute. I like the lollipops too, like lovely blossoms..

Ok, "eyes sweets" and "wars sweet" are made up. "Wars sweet" are....knife, I suppose? :P
Morbid theme, but the creativity is there. I asked him to draw bigger because his drawings are mostly detailed and drawing too small the details will all crowd and wrinkle up.

Some more there is a "Coming Up" section featuring "Lightning McQueen" ( his flavour of the month hero then). Can my Baobao be a Candy Shop boss?

But do also note the "NEW" section, which is totally bland and uninteresting. LOL.

Talk about the "flavour of the month heroes", Baobao has a certain flavour of the month favourite cartoon characters and this was Lightning McQueen in that period. Sometimes, it's Spiderman or Avenger.

His fractured arm is still in cast so during bedtime, I told him. 

"Now you know how important your hand is right? Now that you have injured and cannot use it."

"Yah, now cannot shoot spider web, or carry a shield.."



Inagaki's Shop on etsyInagaki's Shop on Facebook


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