My Wonderful July that ended on a Sobering Note.

Last month July, I had the best sale in my shop. Must be due to the front page feature. It was so enjoyable shipping things off every other day.

Let me list down what made July so wonderful.

1.) One fine day, it suddenly came to me that...I was 99% healed! I noticed it because my neck pain returned. If it hadn't, I did not even remember I have a chronic neck pain problem!

Suddenly we were out and about town during weekends again, like a year ago. This was gradual. As I noted I began doing so during the June holidays, bring my two children out on my own some days. 

2.)I watched korean drama Secret Garden. The script is so cleverly written with some very witty lines. Apart from the very outstanding actors, and a very eventful plot, the wordy lines so packed with wit and humour brought so much enjoyment.

This elevates the drama from just its pop appeal. I derived great satisfation re watching parts with very interesting lines.

E.g Huyn Bin's character is a super cocky heir of a rich family.

His friend commented,"Look at you, so endowed with the best things in life. All who interact with you must have felt some sort of pressure." (Referring to his near perfect endowments.)

His reply,"Oh hell yeah, it is bad. And I can't apologise to each and every one of them, can I?"

That Hyun Bin plays this character makes it all the more interesting to watch. Because by his nature, Hyun Bin comes accross as the kindest person, with his soothing voice. Yet he potrays the character so well. He is arrogant and cocky. His natural kindness adds a stark contract to his character's caustic tongue that makes his character so interesting to watch.

Of course the love story is what I go for. Da BOM. Love it to the max.

3.) Went on a more intense excercise routine and....there are signs that I have actually shed some kilos as I am able to fit in some of those thinner clothes again! Sssshhhh...

4.)The children, lovely as ever. Never a day that pass without me feeling lotsa love for them. While I do scream and shout when they are too much, I totally enjoy my time with them. I am amazed at this. I would think housewives spend so much time with their children till they are sick of them, but I don't feel this way. I am grateful for everyday I get to be with them.

I watch them play and revel in their simple joy. The things they laugh at are so simple and non sophsticated and not funny, but you find yourself laughing with them even so.

5.) My Dear and I have somewhat grown much closer lately. With the baby years out of the way, we can give each other more attention.

Ever since I began watching Kdrama? Somehow I tend to appreciate him more and more.

On Sunday, we were at Cold Storage shopping for grocery. He saw a Dora packaged candy and bought one for Meimei. Then we passed by an isle selling Spongebob and Dora packaged raisins. He pointed out to the kids and the kids checked it out.

While the kids were looking at the raisins, I couldn't help but notice Papa standing by the side and grinning from ear to ear, watching in glee. It looked as if he was even happier than the children to find those raisins. It was so cute.


All the wonders of July eh....but not all was fireworks and sparks.

I was so happy with my recovery that I half forgotten to take care of myself again. Doing late nights watching kramas and being more diligent in house cleaning and shop listings. Last Thursday was an intensive day. Waking up early, working out till I sweated buckets, normal daily chores and some intensive pc work, I ended the day all flat. My chest tiredness returned. I had to rest for a few days to feel better. Only these two days I am feeling better. But the slight tightness in my heart reminds me not to overwork myself again.
I was going to write a post on how living a daily routine with accupressure has helped me regained my health. Then this happens. And I am like a few step back again. Looks like there is going to be still a longer time of doing nothing to make a real comeback.
I so wanna go back to my shop and sewing, but looking at this, it's not going to happen for a longer while. 

At least I can safely tell myself, it's not that I have been lazy.

Heal, heal, heal....

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