Baobao Made My Jaw Dropped ...

Baobao came home with a form last week. It was a form to participate in a handwriting competition.

I was probably feeling bitchy that afternoon, or wait! I am basically quite bitchy sometimes. So when I looked at the application form, I couldn't help finding fault with it.

See the Parental Consent section? First they ask to fill in parent's name. Then later, in the " I ________ hereby consent...", you have to write the parent's name again.

Why the repetition? See my comment on that field? "Why repeat? the name is up there already?" I damn bitchy right? I just find the form badly designed and had to give my opinion. (Some more in the most untidy handwriting, essentially squashing my son's chance of winning at all).

Damn attitude man, this Marder!

Next, the passage is not given. You have to write your own essay. I was like, this is a handwriting competition, right? To compete see who write neatest and nicest right?

So why need the students to write their own essay? They are just given a title "My favourite teacher". I was pissed because being 6 years old, who do you think will come up with the 80-100 words essay?


See why I was so bitchy with this thing? Bad form, bad rule.

After scribbling horribly on the paper, I told Baobao, "tell your teacher we are not taking part in this (stupid) competition." This is my stand. I am not going to just go along and follow the teacher's instruction if auntie is not happy. Not just because the school say do I must do.

And somehow, while I was napping this afternoon, the son completed the work by himself. Came evening, when I told him that we will not take part, he showed me this, which he wrote all by himself:-

My jaw dropped.

" Baobao, you are super awesome! "

"Did Papa help you with this?"
"No" He said.

The essay is so content laden with his very own ideas, and in almost immaculate English. When did it happen? How did my son learn to write so well? You know I do nothing with him right? I have no part to play in this. I don't make him write essays, or force him to read or anything. He just does this by himself. Well, he is very into reading lately. Especially the Geronimo Stilton series which his schoolmates are very into. So I guess that accounts for this.

I'm so blown away. It's like you never buy 4D, then someone tells you you have struck first prize.

So with renewed hopes of winning, this mother had been taught a lesson. I guai guai got online and downloaded a new application form and guai guai filled it up in my nicest handwriting.

And only then did I get to know that the first prize of the competition was $3000.

$3000 + $2000 voucher 


This auntie. Stay inside mountain for too long. Some more so ya ya.

And I got him rewrite because he was writing as he came up with the essay. I told him the right way was to write the essay content somewhere first, then copy it onto the form in better handwriting. So here's the final piece.

To me, I have already won a prize with this piece he wrote. Of course to get the $3000

 $3000 + $2000 voucher

would be great, but not so easy.

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3 persons said

  1. Bao Bao 万岁!!!comapare with your Bao Bao I realy worry my p1 girl....she realy far...far....behind....Too bad tommorrow start her very fist exam in pri sch.

    1. Is it like like topical review?baobao has that almost every month. Now they use some kind like PERI assessment whereby the overal score is broken.down.into many minor tests. So no major exams for p1 ad p2. Same right?

      Try to get her to keep reading. Does not matter how good she is now. Some kids bloom earlier, some later. I am happy here mainly because he takes the initiative to write. Even if he hadnt written vey well, it is the initiative and interest he exhibits that makes me happy.

      Most Important is to have a positive learning attitude. So keep encouraging her. :)
