Missing the Mister

We have been in Kl for two days now, without Papa. Was packing to go home and found this piece of paper in the lugguage. This was a list written by my Dear when packing for our US trip two years back.

Meticulous is the word to describe my husband. I can't compare with him in this area. Even this very trip. I was too engrossed in my Korean drama on the eve of the trip. He returned from work, couldn't stand my procrastination anymore, and proceeded to supervise the kids to do the packing. Even though he is not going with us. One thing I super love about him is he is soooo dependable.

I feel guilty lah. Especially after this period of illness, I feel like I have been leaving more work to him. You know, I cannot say how fair the housework is distributed. Sometimes I think I am.doing enough, sometimes I feel very inadequate. He tends to pick up in areas that I do not do. Like sometimes I cant keep up on the laundry part, he will help me out on it.

While I totally think the housewife needs not be the one who does all the housework at home, still I can't shrug off a wee bit of guilt whenever I see him do it.

Been watching Korean drama for the past week and the man is totally to die for! Cute and perfect husband material. I catch myself saying, oh, if only....but then I turn around and see my own husband, really nothing much to complain about. Quite perfect, for me, that is.

And watching the drama really make me miss our dating days. We so should designate a day each month to go dating! And relive some of those romantic days. Our days eversince having Meimei had really been about the kids all the time.

Why leh, old liao still can lomanchiku no?


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