Kitchen After Dinner

I have found out we can save so much water by washing plates in a basin. Basically just need two basins of water to wash off tonight's dinner plates. Very economical & environmentally friendly.
Kitchen Those bottles are partly for decor purpose. Somehow the western brands have better designed bottles and labels that make the kitchen look good when displayed. I too have soya sauce and sesame oil (胡志成麻油). But i keep them in the cabinet below since their packaging aint that glam. While other housewives showcase their delicious cooking, I seem often more interested in keeping mine clean and being proud of it. I am surprised to say this but I am actually quite anal about my kitchen'cleanliness. And taking these pics tonight, I am also surprised my kitchen is more modern in its looks, after a trip to Ikea recently. I always think I have more preferrence for country. Looking at this you will not guess I love procelein and country kitchen ware right? guess anything goes as long as it looks good.

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3 persons said

  1. 租房子的时候,用的是电子炉,那时候就想有煤气炉多好。等到有煤气炉时,发现很难洗!很多缝隙很多东西要拆开来抹。而且stainless steel,那个指纹随便就一堆。(csi来采指纹应该很轻松)煮饭又不觉得有锅气。


    1. 你是说induction 吗?我超爱那个的。那时本来想买。后来好像需要全用钢锅,就放弃了。

    2. 对啊。就是induction。感觉很好清理...youlgo
