Children's Report Card for the first half year.

Meimei's parent teacher meeting was on Wednesday.

The teacher said she does ok. Interacts and gets along well with her classmates. Is independent with her work. Improvement needed: read more English and expand English vocab so she can speak better in English.

I am not worried a least bit with the English thing. Just hard to be weak in Singapore in English. She will get to it eventually, just like Baobao has. Knowing how PCF tends to place more importance on English, I will most probably intensify Chinese. ( Meimei's teacher: -_-;  )


Does well with academics. Maths, English, Chinese. I can see this myself. He can do his homework himself. Read and understand the questions on his own, mostly. That to me is pretty strong for his age.

Just need to keep it up. Primary one, so easy. The crucial part is to keep working so that when it gets harder later, he has a good foundation to fall back on.

Main problem with him is communications. Too timid to speak up. It was highlighted when he was in kindergarten for two years. And now again in primary school. I see it myself. He is timid when speaking to strangers eg libarians or shopkeepers. The teacher said he can talk with his friends but when she listens in or talks to him, he will be too soft.

But reading aloud he gets full marks. Haha. Not surprising given his storytelling feat. So we now try to train him. Get him to talk to strangers at the shops, make his own inquiries at the library etc. It will be kinda funny if he has no problem with public speaking but has problem in making normal inquiries right?

So how has school been so far? I think school is too much academic work. Maths and English is like the major subjects he goes to school for. There are arts and music lessons but I dun hear him talk about them when he returns. I suspect alot of those lessons are used to play catch up for the Maths and English Syllabus.

Edited : It is not quite fair to make this statement. As i remember, only music and arts lessons are not conducted as planned. Aside from academic lessons, the kids get PE, play games, attend talks on national education like Total Defence, CNY celebrations. They have CCAs like rope skipping, dancing and even sewing in the comming term! Anyway, express thanks to the school for teaching my kids.


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