Project Aunty

In the past, when women get married here in Singapore. They will cut their hair and perm it into short curls. My mom did it.

It was a standard auntie look.

When I first quit from work to be a SAHM, I joked with my colleague that I should go all out. Get that perm and be fully immersed in my role as a full fleged auntie.

Like auntie lucy. She is a local celebrity, a character played by  Dennis Chew, the FM93.3dj. That is his actual picture.

Recently Aunty Lucy did an tv ad that deeply inspired me.

It is for a pawn shop, where she waved a stack of money, singing oh biang tunes to get people to patronise the pawn shop.

At first, I thought to myself, why is Dennis doing this to himself man. Super duper orbit.

But later, I felt full of admiration for his act. That spirit of fully getting into it. Since you wanna do it, go the full nine yards! In Chinese, we call it 尽情。Like what 梁文福 said.

现在的人。。。。可对的不去对 想错不敢错 爱又爱不够 恨又恨不透。

(People these days, do not dare to do the right things, nor the wrong things. Do not love enough, do not hate enough )

After all these, I am still chicken.

This morning, I asked my Dear what today's program is. Mothers Day. Any sharksfin, or abalone? Yeah man, normal mothers day fare. Should I go perm my hair too, to short curls and fully immerse myself in my aunty role? He laughed and said he cannot accept it yet.

Haha...i thought it would be really fun. Any votes?

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