Garden By The Bay pics

After celebrating my brother's birthday at Coffee Club, we took a short train ride to visit the Garden By The Bay... Here are all the pics while we were in the park.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Tourist pic. Mommy's favourite.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
We walked from "You Are Here" until The Canopy. Passing by Malay Garden, Chinese Garden and Indian Garden on our way.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Here are the famous giant trees. You pay $5 to go up. We didn't go. The light was strong and pics are over exposed. These tress are supposed to imitate real trees. With solar panels at the top.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
The full beauty of the garden will only probably shows in 5-10 years time, when the plants are fully grown. Right now, it is still very sunny, in the late afternoon.

The Garden is great for its self sustainability. Supposedly some big thing which I have not quite read up. Like it will not used much energy or water to maintain, that kinda thing...and took a lot of planning. All who read through the process of building it say it is impressive. But I have not.
The Garden is right opposite Marina Bay Sands Hotel.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
There's the Singapore Flyer on the left and the cool conservatory on the left. The conservatory shows flowers which grow in temperate countries. So one of the feature is that the whole cooling system in the conservatory is not aircon. But ...something, I dunno.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Chinese Garden. Many rocks. These individual gardens do not impress me at all. The Malay Gardens, quite a few huts lor, the Chinese garden, many of such rocks. These rocks do not satisfy the criteria I heard when I was in China.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
When I was touring the Suzhou Gardens last times, the guides explained the rocks have to be 皱,瘦,陋,丑。to be of the best. Basically must be thin thin, wrinkled wrinkled, ugly ugly baru nice. But these aren't exactly thin or wrinkled. So imperfections.

The actual one in Suzhou:-
Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Maybe I am prejudice?

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Plus...the red wall. Suppose to be white mah. Some more they hang a photo of a real Chinese Garden from China itself. Can really see the difference. Cannot get the essence or beauty  of Chinese gardens at all. The real Chinese gardens are very beautiful you know.

Something like this..

Singapore Gardens By The Bay

How to say. Nothing to do with my photography, but the Chinese Garden at the Bay does not capture the true beauty of a Chinese Garden at all.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
But I like this one. It is acutally a bodhi tree and they place a laughing buddha infront of it. Beautiful reference to the story where Buddha attained his enlightenment by meditating under a Bodhi Tree. Love it.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
But why hor, the Laughing Buddha sculpture looks abit hamsup?

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
No he doesn't in some ways...What do you think?

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
One of the exhbits at the India Garden. In the Indian Garden, there are two fountains, and two rows of these sculptures.. Nothing much to see with my amatuer eyes.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Baobao looks away because they just had a tiff and he didn't wanna be in the same pic as Meimei.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
These are, I believe, called succulent? The cactus type of plants. So beautiful !
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
We took a rest hear, near the conservaotory at the Bakerz Inn Cafe.
Singapore Gardens By The Bay
Tired. Rested and went enjoy aircon in the souvenir shop. Did not go into the conservatory.
Expensive. $20 per adult.

Singapore Gardens By The Bay

Rested, then go home.

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