Parent Bully

Last night, when we were at the garden playing, there was an incident.

The kids were playing ball near a parent and the ball accidentally hit him. The man berated fiercely and loudly at Baobao for throwing the ball and hit his head.

Baobao ran away and hid and cry.

I saw him scold Baobao and did not react. I thought it was okay, as long as Baobao gets over it quickly. But then he went away and I did not see him. So I went to look for him.

When I passed the man, I asked what happened. Did Baobao hurt his little girl, he returned with a softer tone"他连我也打! " . Not knowing.exactly what happened, I said somewhat apologetically that he must not have done it on purpose. I know Baobao, he is not the type who will do such a thing.

When I found him, he was hiding away and crying badly. He said it wasnt on purpose and was frightened for being scolded so loudly.

My anger slowly built up seeing how pitiful he was.

And just then, Papa came down to look for us. Within the man's earshot, I purposely loudly told the husband how hard he scolded Baobao just now. And added,"他家的孩子宝贝,我家的孩子就不宝贝啊?! " I had thought then Baobao had hit the little girl with the ball.

Before I had a chance to say more, that stupid guy sneaked off home. I think he was afraid the father will go and confront him.

Coward, if you are reading this, it is not the father you should fear. It is the MOTHER. ME.

I did not react because it all happened too fast, but it kept me up all night as I replayed the scene in my head. The anger would not subside, to see my child being overly berated for a small thing he did.

That is a playground and children play wild. It was wrong that he hit the man with the ball. But it was accidental, there was no need to shout and scold him so strongly. Did you head come off?

I tak shiok that he because I had not finished scolding him. I replayed in my mind many times, the next time when I see him again at the playground what I would say to him.

"Hey, why are you here again. This is a children's playground you know. Did you bring helmet? What if the kids hit you again later.? "

"Your daughters. You better ensure they dun touch a hair on my kids when they play wildly, because I will give them back the same treatment you gave my son the other day. 我家的小孩做错要骂也是我骂,你算老几? "

No, I dun wanna scold his lovely girls, and the bigger girl plays quite wildly too. I just want him to know, if you do not tolerate others, you will not get the same tolerance for your kids too. Now you know how that feels huh?

My point is there was no need for him to berate Baobao so hard for an accidental mistake. If he scold abit, I prob buay song, but no choice cause the kid did hit him. But the forceful scolding was not necessary. How can he scold other people's kid so hard? Especially when the parent is around?

I told my mom and she said I will breed prince and princess for overprotacting them. I dun care. I know where my lines are.While I wil not allow the kids to take advantage of others, I will also not take this stupid nonsense. Last night I was too shocked to react. If I am still angry enough, I will go up to him and tell him that, in his face the next time I see him. I will.

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2 persons said

  1. 哇!我也会很气咯!我也会火上头!!

    1. 是啊,害我血压又高升。不要想,不要想了。
