I made it to the front page of Etsy!

Click on the pic to get to the treasury.
Is there not a saying, that goes "Every dog has its day"?

Well yesterday I was that dog and it was my day.

One of my fabric was featured on the Front Page of Etsy.com !

It was like striking lottery. I am afraid someone might beat me up for saying this, but it is almost by no effort of mine.

There is a feature called Treasury on etsy, whereby members choose different products and put them together. They call this curate, much like the work of a curator who chooses things to display for a musuem. Arty farty. A person named Laura made the above treasury with my kitchen fabric in it. And etsy admin chose to feature it on the front page yesterday.

Made my day. Felt like a one day star.

Oh, thank you lucky star. Could this have something to do with touching the laughing Buddha a week ago?

So my shop hits hit the roof yesterday. So lucky.

But just for a day..haha. What was good was many people came to the shop and favourited the shop or its listings. So when I make new listings, probably it will reach more people.

What does it mean? Keep working! :) Keep a positive attitude and keep working. One day, someone will notice. Then all the hard work that you put in when you were a nobody will pay back.

Thank you Universe, for giving me this occasional morale boost. :)
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