I Should Blog More!

Oh, I dunno what's come over me lately.

Busy, I say too busy to blog. 

Last week, life almost came to a standstill. Like, very still.

And there I stood, doing nothing. I had little pockets of time here and there, and I fidgeted about couldn't get to anything at all. The free time I complained about not having, they were abundant last week.

But all I did was sit and stare.

Be careful what you wish for.

I have no excuse. There are times where there is no dirve inside at all. You just sit there, and everything that looked attractive when you are too busy to do, or things you promised you will get to once you have some time just weren't attractive suddenly.

I should have a project.


Something that can spur me on.

okie, getting off my butt now. Hope this entry gets the ball rolling..!

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