3.5 year old

And my baby woke up with a dry overnight diaper for the first time. Yay!

Oh, where are we now, in meimei's growth stage. I haven't notcied much on the intellectual front. She's always cheeky.

What strikes me as distinctly different of her from Baobao is her obstinance. Ack. Not as a easy person as her brother. At first, I do not judge. For there was the terrible twos effect. I wasn't sure which part of it was her personality, and which was a passing stage.

But it becomes more evident now that she's outgrowing that stage...

....I mean, she's going four soon. Trantrums are't terrible twos stuffs anymore right? Anyway, I do not remember Baobao being as difficult as she is. Sometimes.

For most times, she is a friendly and happy child. I love the way she comes to me 3 to 4 times a day, hugging me, smiling her sweetest smile saying "mommy, I love you 超级无敌喷饭 much......!"

You don't get used to it. While I may appear nonchalantly on the outside, my heart brims with love and joy. It doesn't get trivalised because this happens a few times a day, everyday from a small person. Thank you very much, dear Meimei. Mommy loves you much too.

But. There are times when once she set her mind on something, there's no turning back. A full blown meltdown lasting for 30 mins can happen whete no amount of reasoning goes in.

Physically, she is growing well and eating well.

I crave for my personal time all the time. Children  are so invasive. But I also am thankful for being able to spend so much time with them.

Now i have to go because I need to read a story to her....ok ok I am reading now....

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