
I walked to the town centre; went to the library, returned and borrowed books; did grocery shopping at ntuc, bought the kids' lunch, and was in time to pick up meimei. All in 75 min's time.

Can't remember being this productive in a long long....loooong time.

On my way back at the cross road, waiting for my green light, I had a light bulb moment.

After going through the period of ill health, when I was mostly homebound and had no stamina to do much things, I am deeply grateful for being able to do simple tasks like this.

This wasn't much before. But now it is alot. I thank the Universe for granting me strength, and giving me life. If you have gone through what I had, losing the strength and ability to perform simple daily tasks, you would have appreciated this like I do.

And then I went home, settled the kids and slept for two the afternoon. :p

Patience, patience. Ain't gonna be superwoman overnight.

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