Before I blogged

I thought I was a talking waterfall. Give me a space and willing audience and I can UWACK!!!! vomit all I can..

There are a milliong thoughts going through my head, so I have lots to say.

Only I started blogging I realise there are some days I just feel like shutting up. A weird revelation. Something that takes time to accept. It is like you think you will never mind having too much money but one day you are given heaps, you don't want to spend anymore.

So there, due to blogging, I have actually become one who has less and less to talk about. When I meet fellow SAHMs at my place, I normally am the listening one, with occasional outbursts, on topics I am interested in.

I fear people who talk non stop. There is a mom who is like that..It is just terrible talking with her. Even her body language is one of offensive talking, leaning towards you as she POURS out everything she needs to say.

Once she wouldnt stop talking, even though my lift was here. So I stepped in. The door closed and Meimei said the most hilarious thing, "Mommy, why did she say "any---"when the lift door closed?" Because she was trying to squeeze in the last of what she wanted to tell me as the door closed! Hilarious. Where got so much things to say?

While moms have no end of their children antics to tell, I often draw a blank when I find myself in one of those competition, oops, I meam conversation. In a way, I am very sensitive about not trying to bore others with my children's details.

Maybe the blog has provided all the mommy outlet I ever need. So I always have this to advice people who have ALOT to say. Go and blog.

Conversation, and communication is an artform.... a very useful social skill. Why don't schools teach it?

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1 persons said

  1. Being SAHM can say is a 'lonely' job. I get used to 'blah blah' on my blog before,when my girl still not the age to school yet and most of the time I can spend ONLY at home. Because of my Eng and Chinese also not so good + timeless now, so now I choose to post more photos rather to 'blah blah'...
