Standby for Singapore

Last week, I wanted to buy paint on Monday to start painting my ceiling. Then I got dizzy and scratched the plan.

End of the week was Baobao's storytelling, so I had to work on Gossie's house. This week, tomorrow, we celebrate Meimei's birthday at school. Another round of mad rush.

I am the standby resource at home. Life is so fast paced in this new millenium, that I think having me not working, and standby around is such a valuable resource in our family. We do not have my mom or mother in law help. So we're very much on our own. This was why I quit three years ago. Looking around, we couldn't see where that extra pair of hands will appear should we need urgent help.

Life as an 'extra' is just that, extra. I feedback to my Dear alot. I have no specific jobscope in the house. Anything that comes our way, is mine. Much like the job of an administrator or secretary. My colleagues who did these jobs used to say things like, "anything that is not anyone's job is our job. " and "pls don't ask me what i have done today. I have been running around all morning with nothing to show for as results " So I am the one who brings the kids to medical appointment, plan tours, attend parent teacher meeting, make props, prepare party packs. etc

Zumblang humbalang longzong bao sua bao hai. = me.

I want to quote my example of what Youlgo commented that day on my other post


This morning,I returned from sending Baobao to school and wanted to take my chinese meds. 

First I need to settle Meimei and make milk. 
But the milk bottle not washed from last nights feed. 
Washed milk bottle, wash baobao's bottle too. 
Took a while. Make milo, and meimei came in asking, why so long? 
Gave Meimei her milo. 

Pour warm water to mix my meds...realised aiks need to reorganise abit. 
So repour everything. Thermos to jug, boiling kettle to thermos, refill kettle to boil more for stock. 

But before take meds have to eat first. make sandwich, make milo, and wondered why just now did not make it with meimei's milo. 

Then mix the meds powder and AT LAST sit down to proceed. 反正,everything head to toe, front to back, inside out is all one person's job. 


Sense of achievement? No. Always everything diy until now when I get help in any form, I welcome. And am outrageously grateful.

The husband is the dedicated resource for work. He has working hours, I do not have. My job, btw, also include 陪人睡觉。So all the way till midnight. 

But I am not complaining now. I am glad I need not meet all the loonies that exist at the workplace. Seeing how the husband needs to drag his feet to work lately makes me feel lucky to be working at home. 

And, and, this is one thing that,makes me feel important in my job. In the crazy haphazard world, you always need backups. To survive on double income and leave kids with childcare is maxing out our resources and I don't feel that is that right thing to do. It is like walking on a tight rope. Snaps anytime. 

 In the business world too.Workplace today like to stretch employees to the max. Once you max out their working abilities, innovation and creativity go to the dumps. People who have no free minds to think cannot improve their work. I was contemplating number three but I think this ia quite ok for now.


7 persons said

  1. 前天我起不到床(之前夜班过后生理时钟大混乱)然后老公发现我没有早早起床帮他弄早餐(那天我本来就off day),结果他被逼自己弄然后上班迟到。结果他竟然生气我没有起床帮他弄早餐...很委屈很郁闷...三从四德是挨的(铁)打的做的又抵的..youlgo

  2. 记得以前米奇老鼠有个卡通是扫把水桶全部有了魔法会自动扫地抹窗洗地...youlgo

  3. Youlgo, 有时真的是没办法的啦。
    时间拉来拉去,终究有些事情cover 不到。当给他唱一唱算了。然后有时就发作一下,也不至于当doormat.


  4. 星加坡会像马来西亚那样流行女佣吗?好奇问一下..

  5. at least you have time and energy to write this nice piece. i on the otherhand, fail to have time to 酝酿情绪和思绪 to sit down and write something ...



  6. Uc,你现在是打仗的时候,跟我不一样。等北比张大好像妹妹他们酱, 你闲着又会想生了。
