
Did you miss me? Well, I kinda miss my blog. I can't blog much because my eyes are hurting from too much web browsing.

Holiday is hardwork as I have to go online and do the planning myself. :( No xingfu, my friends, no xingfu. I wish to be like husband where he can just walks into a holiday with nary any work and have everything planned according to His Majesty. ( Note sacarsm )

Anyways, here's a picture of our lunch yesterday. We had it at a foodcourt near our house. The fried fish soup was delish. It includes generous pieces of fried fish, tofu, seaweed, tomato and cabbage. Comes in a big bowl of soup. Super pretty coloured amd it tastes great. $3.50.

Added two bowls of rice for $1.

I supplemented it with some chop suey from its neighbouring vegetarian food stall. A small plate for $1.

Between the three of us, we lunched for $5.50.

Yummy and pretty, on my busy or lazy days...

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7 persons said

  1. $3.5 fish soup! Soo cheap! Arggg

  2. Yes, very economical, more worth it than to cook it myself.

  3. What?!! That big bowl of soup is just $3.50??? That's very very cheap!!

  4. Ssshhhhhhhh! Not so loud. Ok bah, because suppose to be meant for one person. 3.50 + 0.50 rice =$4.00...quite normal.

  5. Erm, because youlgo is in nz, so shre says cheap is ok, but you are in singapore, so it's normal

    Hehe...wait pple think i siao ding dong. One person say one thing.

  6. Agreed! In Singapore here #3.50 is very normal. Hey! I know where is the place for your lunch(remember we are staying the same place?). May be will see u there in one day.
