Dinner Options in Singapore and the call for Healthier Hawker Food.

Our previous health minister, who is the member of parliament for my constituency had said ,during his term as health minister, to encourage hawkers to serve more healthy food at the foodcourts and hawker centre.

I was so happy to hear that. It is a very clever move. I think many families and individuals eat out in Singapore these days. You can call the foodcourts our national kitchens. So it is only smart to protect the health of your citizens by providing a good, clean and healthy daily foodsource to them.

I raise my hands and feet and stomach in support!!!

When we had a maid, she cooked. When she left, our family of three then relied on hawker food mostly. I was still working then. So on our way from work, we ta pau(-ed??!!! just thinking if I need to be so grammar conscious since the original word is not even English.. ) our dinner before we went to fetch Baobao from his childcare centre.

We also tried tingkat dinner. http://www.select.com.sg/tingkat.htm . Tried out two providers..Even though they serve a variety of dishes over two weeks, somehow you just grow tired of the taste at some point.

Healthy dinner was a rather major part of my consideration to stay home. It forms one of those gaps in our society whereby the commercial services cannot close. For the children mainly, the childcare centres do not provide dinner. So if parents are working, there are few healthy dinner choices for the family.

In comes the suggestion for healthier hawker food. It will be a blessing to all.

But thus far, it has only remained a suggestion. It is not easy to change the habit of a nation. But people are more health conscious these days. I am sure healthy food stalls will have a place in our society. Meaning, less oil, or better oil, like rice bran oil, more vegetables, less fried food. Less salt and no msg.

Imagine. Healthier food leads to better health and overall lower health costs for the population. Worthy cause to pursue for the long term.

As a housewife who agonises over having to cook everyday, I will be one to embrace it. I love cooking, but to do it everyday is sucha chore sometimes. (Excuse me as i have issues with routines)

When I first started out, I preferred all diy. Cheaper, and healthier. But now, I have relaxed my stance. Some hawkers do serve good food and we can occasionally have those. To everything diy is can die lor.

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5 persons said

  1. 新币兑换纽币几乎是一比一。可是吃的价钱差很远。(其实nz什么都贵,除了奶粉和奇异果吧)举例来说,一个foodcourt里面的炒饭至少$10。我很爱吃的滑蛋河现在卖$16。快餐还好。一个combo$7还可以买到。所以,不是不想出外吃,是真的吃不下...再说,随便煮个快熟面也比驾车出去打包来的快..youlgo

  2. 有听说过纽西兰的东西贵。什么都要飞大老远,怎能不贵? 澳洲也是。再说中餐在洋人的地方,物以稀为贵。照你说的价钱换我也吃不下。难比。我们跟马来西亚比也是贵。

  3. 其实中餐比西餐便宜。环境关系吧。西餐一个牛排主菜$30以上。再加前菜甜品什么的,至少$50以上。当然那些takeaway的炸鱼薯条就便宜,$5吧。我想东西贵运输是关系,还有最低工资和gst..

  4. $50! 这里我们可以吃一家人。想必工资方面会比我们高。

  5. Min wage $12.5。可是还没有tax呢。最高tax bracket是33%!Youlgo
