My HDB Air Con Ledge Garden

So the gardening craze continues..

This has been something I wanted to do since we returned from USA last time.
There, people live in houses and maintain beautiful gardens.
And it was so much pleasure looking at them.

After coming back, one thing led to another, the plan is shelved for a good 3 years.

It's always My Dear's doubt on my ability to maintain one.
I am good at starting things. But not good at maintenance.
He knows me well and has succeeded in stopping me all this time.

Not this time.

I spent two days getting it to this state. No greenery yet, but creating spaces for my greens.

hdb gardening, air con ledge gardening
I moved the long bin cactus to the ground from the red plastic bag place. And moved the tree-y plant we bought to the extreme right. The tree-y plant is safe, don't worry. It has some weight good for anchoring and there is no strong wind in this confined space. 

This setup is built on a couple of principles : 
1.) Safety. Will make very sure things will not fall off. I will not fall off.
2.) Gardening space maximisation.
3.) Recycling. I thought of investing in a plank of plywood to make more spaces, but will use a piece of recycled wood we have for now. 

There's nothing much to see for now. But it's a beginning.

I have space for one or two more brown pots. Have some green vege seeding in a tray in my bathroom. Will move them out when they are bigger. Have also seeded broccoli, and a flowering plant Nacturtium (sp?) but they are not sprouting yet.

hdb gardening, air con ledge gardening

Yesterday I went out to buy more brown pots from Daiso.
This morning, I brought Meimei down to our gardens downstairs to pick up stones, leaves and twigs.

Because I plan to make a compost pile. I have lots of vegetable leftovers I have saved from juicing and cooking. So last night, after watching two videos on how to go about, I went scavenging for these rubbish this morning.

All the time laughing inside at how I was working so hard just to do something natural does effortlessly. I could almost hear the trees, the earth and the leaves laugh at me while we collected the twigs.
All because we are living in high rise concrete.

But it was a great bonding activity with Meimei. Very fun to do gardening with children. She is happy to be helping me pick rubbish from the garden. And we would both be happy when we found a big pile of dead leaves or stones to pick.

At home, she helped my concoct the compost pile. Made a mess, but still I greatly enjoyed gardening with her.

hdb gardening, air con ledge gardening

These were sprouted last week and had been growing on the ledge for about a week now. Can't remember what their exact name is, some kind of chye sim green vege, there are like 1001 varieties I dunno all their names and can't tell one apart from another.

They are doing well.

Lest anyone thinks the aircon ledge is too small, too inconvenient to have a garden, a garden can be anywhere, as long as you want to set up and maintain one.

Wish me luck on this one!

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6 persons said

  1. Wow! So love your cactus. I love to plant cactus but....always need to 'renu' it ^_^(from market. After many years me like still don't know how to take care it. Water too much die, water lesser ( or too less) also die -_-.

  2. Oh but why? Ours is maintenance free and it has been reproducing like crazy on our ledge. But Once my husband tried to abandon some and left them in our garden below, they died in no time.

    If you want, let me know. I can pass you a pot from our garden. Too many.

  3. 五体投地。我的菜圃荒废了快一年,看来会继续荒废下去...youlgo

  4. 妈咪快起来!现在不可以做这个动作!

    1. hopefully in the next few days...youlgo

  5. Wow! So happy to hear that. Ya should meet you one day to get a pot of cactus for me ^_^.I worry.....once its with me it cant live longer....
