Going back into the market...

After experiencing a crazy gold rally in 2011, Greece debt problem crashed the markets and I pulled out almost totally. Then I got really sick end of 2011.

Looking back, it was like a crazy ride. And all for nothing. I did not get richer afterwards, but came down with an illness. Maybe the lesson was quick money is never good.

From then on, I totally shut off from the markets.

It seems like the EU crisis has blown over. I am relooking into entering the markets again. And realise, I may have missed the train for REITS investments. People seemed to be making great money from that sector.

The thing abour fininacial market is, there is always action, you just have to know where to look. After dabbing in it for the past ten years, I actually quite believe I have enough background experience to make a living out of it. 

BUT the problem with it is, I have little interest in it. When you are into financial markets, you will always be reading news like what is going on in the middle east, who is killing who, where are the crises coming...like SUPER DUPER YAWN. Let's just say I have great apitude for this trade but very small interest.

But I am not giving up, because these are experiences I have gathered over the years and very valuable. When I need to make a living (or craving more money like now :P), this can be a possible avenue. I remember when I was still working, as we had internet access and could multi-task, I always had an eye on the market while doing my job. It was like holding down two jobs and made some good money too. Good memories. 

You know the best thing about getting old? Experience.  You work smarter and have a better grasp of the world around you. And it really is a great advantage. For a while, before we realise this advantage, we always complain why these days people so stupid ah? do this and that.  Then we realised we have moved up in seniority in the whole society and there are new young adults who dun make as good decisions due to the lack of experience in work or life. 

Now we know.  hyak hyak hyak hyak. *evil grin* no lah, should help people...karma karma. :P

So, after being away for such a long time, I feel very disconnected. Dunno what is going on around me. Will be pluggin into the finance world and looking out again for opportunities. 

Where is the Get Rich and Retire Early button please?

Just kidding. I teach my kids there's nothing call get rich and achieve big quick. 

But I know a sure way to achieve big things. Set a goal and work tirelessly and honestly at it, and never giving up. Be patient, give it time and your dreams will realise. Any dream. I assured Baobao.

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