This New Schedule

I can't seem to find time to blog this year. The kids have almost mutually exclusive school time which spans the whole day from 6.30am to 5.00 pm. That leaves me with not much time in between.

Oh blog oh blog...maybe a goodbye for a while?

I have been sleeping quite alot. wake up 6.30am in the morning and badly crave afternoon naps. My naps are crazy naps like 1-2 hours.

With not much time in between, I dun go for my regular excercise anymore. Or my daily medidation. It can feel abit crazy and lost without my regular activities. In this year, I cannot see much chance of doing those things. And I do not want that to happen. It was through much hard work I established the routine. And now if I am going to revert back. Who knows I will get sick again ?

Modern life, is it that hard to just ask for some time to do exercise?

As such, I have been feeling quite disorientated. Like the anchor of my life is shifted and I can hardly find my footing.

In between accomodating to the children's school and meal schedule, I popped by facebook now and then. And this is becoming a very bad habit. If I do not find some form of normality, ie the healthy type soon, I will slip back to my unhealthy state again. And I do not want it.

So , then, like that lor. Have to find that time.

And...that trip to Korea. Sigh. Before that I was truly contented with my life. I love Singapore. period.  Such a great place. So much greenery. With much modern amenities...

But having been through that, and see a world that is better than here at home, I couldn't quite settle down since I return. I love Seoul! Korea is modern and sophisticated ( if not more than Singapore). I love the artsy and more cultural atmosphere about the place. Where aside from daily living, people have time for arts, exhibition, celebration, you know, living. I love it.

Yes, it is not the perfectly perfect world. And of course people do not play all day. I watch Korean drama and I know that people live real lives with real challenges too. But somehow, a greater cultural space greatly softens the harshness of daily life.

It doesn't help that they just say they are planning more capacity for Singapore for 6.9 mil in 2030. wah....can you spell C-R-A-M-M-E-D. Probably moving to Johor.

And as the Chinese saying goes, "After being an ocean, it hard being a droplet once more". After seeing Korea, I know there are places I wanna be more than here in Singapore.

Not that I have plans to move to Korea...haha..I am middle aged now. Middle aged people like to stay where they are.  If Korea is better than Singapore, let's change this place better to be more like Korea. To totally uproot from this place and go over feels unreal and unnatural.  No matter how much I try to blend in, I will never be Korean. I am Singaporean,  I was born here, I grew up here, I went to school here, I worked here, I married here, I reprocreate here. All the memories are here. Nothing can change that. I am not even Chinese, just Singaporean, true blooded Singaporean. Not proud. Just am.

Sigh, why I not Korean?

And, the thought of having to change this place into a place I think worth living, alot of work. Why no more hand me ona platter? :(

Have to work huh? ;)


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