30 Minutes to Blog

Am still a little vexed about the Park Shi Hoo's case. But I guess I am gonna just get my mind off it and live a life for now.

Been juicing for about 1-2 months now. At first just for myself, now my husband joins me. Each morning, I juice a variety of vegetables and fruits like beetroot, orange, apple, celery, carrot etc. I try to get at least all the yellows, orange, green, purple in.

The benefits are gradual but very real. I for example, feel better energy, and the neck pain that has been plaguing me for the past months has.....DISAPPEARED.

So right now, I am swearing by it.

I am going to start exercising too. Not that I haven't. I have been doing the mild form all this time. Once I go abit intensive, I will not feel well. Been through couple of cycles whereby I put on the pressure abit and then feel unwell and take a couple of days to get well.

So still waiting for the body to get better and stronger. Maybe will continue doing the mild forms.

I wanna start to lost those weight! Still hanging by me. There must be something I am not learning yet, so I still own them. A TCM book says some type of people will not be healthy if they lose weight and I could be that. But I dun wanna listen to that yet. Still wanna keep trying for a while, or forever~

Want to try the weight training type of excercise to build up muscles. It's been said that muscles give us energy and are the ones that burns calaories. So I am quite tempted to transform into that. But need to excercise and eat more protein.. Dunno about that yet.


I turned 40 last week. Had a wonderful birthday celebration with the people I love most. My brother treated us to a dinner at Swensen. I had softshell crab pasta, it tasted heavenly! My Dear bought nme this cake and I was greatly amused by how he calls me "Sweetie Gin' Laughed for a long time.

"Honey, me 40 sweetie no more~ :)"

Amused aside, utterly sweetened to be still called sweetie *chuckle*. Am guilty though that I did not celebrate his birthday a few days earlier. Yah, it is so unfair. I need to think of something to tell him how much I love him.

Oh and, God is so good.I was panicking for most part of my last year in thirties about turning forty. Be right before I did, I picked up two books to read and they changed my perspective and calmed me.

One was a book in I-ching. Oozing with wisdom. Once I read through it, I became really calm. It said things like 'Now is the right time and HERE is the right place; once you realise thewhole universe is one, you will never fear dying. " etc etc. Numerous teachings that puts life into perspective for me. I love what it did for me

I'm not saying I am not afraid to die now, but .... less so. I will keep learning. I thank the great Universe for sending me those messages, for It really doesn't  have to do it, but It has. I just feel so loved. Like having been taken good care of, at an emotional level.

Friends, and that was what I read from the book too. Everything we need is here NOW. So do not fear and do not worry. That the Universe will take care of us with it boundless love. So, I hereby pass on this assurance to you. Be secured.    

Two, a book on building muscles, eating right. It says if you follwoing everything on the book and live a healthy lifestyle, you can look 20 years younger. Woohoo ~

Oh, trying to live healthy and be good looking needs alot of effort. I'm not too in the bubble myself. We have a lot of responsibilities in life and can't be spending all our time on our health and bodies. But well at least knowing more, we can do better.

I-ching is a very interesting book. VERY. I have been trying to understand it but to little avail.

I only read a book that interprets it. I think I am slowly getting it. There are like 64 guas in the bagua and you can use it to ask about what your present situation is and how you should go forward. The books provides you the wisdom to go forward. Like a life manual, can you beat that? They so should teach this at school.

I love this book. It has such profound wisdom I feel like I wanna call it Ah GONG. It speaks so firmly of what it knows yet with so much love. That you shd do this and that but dun forget god loves you and you will never fail. You're always at the right time and right place.

One more little nugget from I-ching : Dun try to get to the TOP.. Everything moves in cycle. So once you get to the top the next thing is ---- DOWN. But it also says in everything we do, we should not despair and should keep trying.

And also, of all the guas in the bagua there is ONLY one gua that will put you in a forever unbeatable position...what is it?

Will tell you next time...Waahahahhhaha    

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3 persons said

  1. Happy birthday, again! :D

    1. I am sorry I did not wished you...
      Happy Birhday to you too!
      How old are you now?
      I wanted to wish you couple days back on fb or your blog
      And was most surprised to find you missing.
      What happened?
      Now only on twitter?

  2. Sorry miss your birthday ha,, only by few months late.
    Happy 4oth, you are halfway to 80. and Welcome to middle age, but you are lucky, you just hit 4oth, for me -- its been a while..Enjoy all the way!
