School Volunteer?

The school parents volunteer group sent me a message to ask if I still want to stay in the group. I hadn't participated in anything last year at all.

I was going to agree and then, I remember my Dear just complained I hadn't done the laundry this later part of the week. The kids just begun school this week I said, so I was busy. Yesterday I was extra hardworking and brought them out separately in the morning and afternoon for ball exercise. ( bluueh..panting like a cow chasing after bola)

Where do all my time go?

It is easy to forget about my body condition once it gets a little better. I actually spend alot of resting after a some activities. The neck still acts up here and there with a dull background pain. Something that stops me from engaging in vigorous housework.

One morning I woke up feeling full of energy and started going around the house picking up things and getting all high. And making a to-do list in my head, I was appalled at the number of things I want to get done in the house!

Do you know who is a housewife's biggest boss?

Her very own self.

There is a constant nagging in the head with regards to what needs to be done and it can build up to an extremely loud chatter. And you live in a constant sense of guilt and inadequacy if you do not get them done.

Thank goodness there is the other part of me that goes "F* off, I'm just gonna do whatever I can the best I can.." This is the part that keeps me sane, from my BOSS in the head. :P

I say this every year and I will say this again this year. I am what, 5 years into this job, and only slowly getting the hang of it. I would never in my life guessed that being a housewife needs so much learning and easing into. That's still something I try to get over now. The "Do It Best" mentality we cultivated from work spills over and permeates every aspects of my housewife life. Yet, as I look around my house, nothing of it tells me I am acing it. Do my best, yes. But my best sucks.

I am not needing comfort. Just a place to vent and then I am good to go again. However much it sucks and however well it goes, I just keep going no matter what. (易经:天行健,君子以自强不息) Lately, I just realized this. There is no finishing or arriving, just a constant work-in-progress in whatever we do.

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1 persons said

  1. Listen, listen, Listen, listen, I mean I listen to you....
