Met An Old Friend

Met my old friends from jc this afternoon.
She looked exactly the same as twenty two years ago.
We had not met since we left school.
Mind boggling.
If we had given birth right after jc, our kids would have been 21 years old now.

When I first laid eyes on her this afternoon, it was effortless pickingher out cause she looked exactly like before. Maybe a lil more matured.
she was too busy to talk and I left her my phone no.
She called and we chatted for an hour on the phone.

We weren't the closest friends back then, but still it felt good talking to her. She is still the down to earth, sometimes serious Lynette I knew. It felt like we are back in school days. A little bit familiar yet a little bit strange, from all the lost years between us.

Thank you for still being you. In a world of constant changes, I am glad to find pieces of you which I remember from the old days still residing in you.

Hadn't had a girls chat in a long long time. Thank you Lynette!

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