Cleaning Out My Pantry

Today I feel some energy. So I cleaned out my pantry and my fridge. It has been long overdue. I used newspaper to line some of the shelves, and it showed on the old newspapers that the last time I cleaned out was sep 2011. Almost a year ago.

Every time you do spring cleaning, it feels so good and you find yourself saying, hey, I can do this everyday. But why? Dun ask me why it takes me a year to return to it.

Cleaning out is therapuetic. Do you know? As you throw out the old stuffs and wipe out the dust, you are cleaning your soul at the same time? It's true. I heard this from someone famous once.

That person,btw, is me. :p

Ok, I know I am not famous, but it is still true. So each time, if you feel like life is not so smooth, take some time out and arrange the messiest corner of your living or working space. Things will straighten out.

Not that my life needs straightening out now. Per se. I think.

So today, upon waking up with a good sense of energy in me, I looked around and blamed myself for being lazy. Aiyah, so messy. Why I am so lazy and did not tidy up. What have I been doing all these days? Wasting my time on dramas?

And then I will keep working till I get to the point my neck pain returns and I again blame myself. Why have I been not careful. Why din I take good care of myself and over stretch again?

I have been oscillating in these thought cycles recently. Left or right, I can find fault with myself. After a while, I get pretty confused whether I am really to lazy (when I feel unwell and do the bare minimum housework and watch drama on the days I do not feel well) or am too careless with my health (on days I work myself a little bit harder.)

Yeah, so confused.

But I guess the truth is, I am just doing the best that I can. Coping.

Feels damn good today though.


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