The Magic Hands of ...
I took some pics on one of those days when the house is extra messy. The messier it is, the more motivated I am to start tidying. These were all on the same day.
CSI says the kids were reading the night before, searched their drawers for uniforms in the morning, toys from last night. Erm, I could have been reading too, the night before.
(the above is also present state of kids room, as in NOW as I blog)
Ah, when it is tidy and clean, floor mopped, the children will enjoy using the room.
One more time, Baby :
So each time when I wanted to do my online work like listing my fabric, I have to take pictures. As some fabric panels are big, I want to spread them out on the floor. Thus if the floor is not clean, it's super uncomfortable to do that. So in order for me to get to my online work, I have to pick things up, tidy, sweep and mop floor, take pictures, edit pics, THEN post.
Know why my stock is weeping in neglect inside my cupboard? When o when, will my babies see the daylight? OH WHEN?
housewife tales
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