Does anyone need my advice?

There's a sewing mom on my friends list who churns out cute sewing stuffs on a daily basis. She has kids and a helper to help her with them.

Someimes I really envy her for being able to make so many things everyday. And mind you, it is no mean feat to make so many different types to purses and bags.

But on the other hand, I can see that all these are done at the expense of health, and time with the children. She makes frequent updates on facebook and sometimes can sense that life is driving her around, due to having so many things to do.

I want to tell her to go slow. She is young now. But this cannot go on long. Unless you can sell a purse for at least 30-50 dollars each, handmade is not a business you can make a living out of.

At the end of the day, relying on a handmade business, and selling cheap is short changing your own kids. Time is money, you spend so much time making that, and have thus less for the kids is not worth it.

Also I want to ask her not use extreme words to express herself. Eg "this thing is killing me", "i will die if I need to endure one more minute of this". I am not conscious of doing this myself, but actually this is not very good for our minds.

Everything we say and heard recorded by our body. If you use extreme words, the body take in these, and over the long term it can be both bad for health and mind.

I think I do that too, drama mah, and being dramatic is kind of fun. But, it is not a good habit. Everything we say to ourselves will shape our lives, so have to be careful with our habits.

So how? Nothing. What can I do, she is not my anyone? Just a facebook acquaintance. I wanna give her these "advice" because these are what I believe in. It doesn't mean she believes it and will take them.

If I dun say it, it feels like I see someone falling asleep at the steering wheels and not waking her up.

If I say it......who needs a kpo going around dispensing advice which only herself believes in? Almost like evangelists telling people to believe in their gods when it is only themselves who believe in the goodness of believing.

And I am not her, how do I know better?

What do you think?

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2 persons said

  1. 介绍她看你的部落。让她自己对号入座..youlgo

  2. 我害羞。应该是不会说的了。。。。 :(
