Joy of Reading 2011

We are very happy to have attended this meaningful and well organised event "Joy of Reading", organised by the women's wing of PAP. This was the event in which Baobao took part in the storytelling part.

The day began when we were to meet the school at the Admiralty MRT station for a bus to get to the National Library. We carried many things with us, the costume, shoes, props, stroller and the two kids. Had a quick breakfast at the congested McDonalds and hauled all the barangs here to wait.


Soon, the bus arrived, there were teachers from two schools and in a jiffy, they helped take all our props and things up the bus. That's the power in quantity man. I deeply appreciated that in that moment.


The bus took the CTE to bring us downtown, it was a rather hot day.


Soon, we arrived at the Bugis area. Here's a more cultured district in our city. With art schools, theatres around. Now don't expect it to be the super cultural thingy, just a more cultural place as compared to the other parts of the city.

We got there - The National Library.


Here was the early crowd. The Kindergarten 2 students go first. So initially the seats weren't filled up.


Anticipation. I sat besides Baobao while we waited for our turn - number 13 out of 14. haha. The boy who was runner up to him in our zonal competition was number 14.


Enjoyed myself looking at the various costume. Here's Goldilocks, she's a pretty and cute girl..


The Lion king. Love her elaborated makeup. It's obvious her father put in much effort. If there's a best costume award, they are so getting it.


Cinderella sat infront us in drapes throughout our wait, so I couldn't help but gasped! when she took off her drapes and transformed into this lovely dainty and lovely!


This girl told the story of a hat seller and the monkeys. While her props and costume are simple, her diction was crystal clear. You will love to hear her speak.


The competition so far was really much better than at the zone level. The children speak a lot more clearly, and have good expressions. I wondered at the chance of winning anything.

Soon it was Baobao's turn...



He was still too nervous, and as a result, turned out stiff. His voice, though loud, was a tad too hard for my liking. I was filming him on my camera, but halfway gave up because the loudness was getting to me.

I had instructed him to alternate the hardness and softness in his voice to add interest to his story, but the nervousness just got to him. He put up a rather similar performance as in the other competition.

And having heard the story so many times, I couldn't tell if he was good or not anymore. Still it was obvious the short sentences of this story is extremely effective in retaining attention and interest.

Just when he went up the stage, my sister in law came to us with their cousin JY, and sat besides me on the floor! They were here to support and came just in time for his turn. My brother too, turned up and he helped to film him on my phone's camera.

After their competition, they sat and watched an entertainer perform. That's their cousin with the purple balloon.


We hang around and took pictures.

The props. His teacher made the flowers.. :)


Our small family, outside our dream house and garden. :) Notice Baobao's eyes was still on stage because he liked the performance very much.

By now, the place was quite fully filled up. We had to wait quite a while as there were still competition for the K1 kids and the nursery. Plus some performances..


There are other activities to occupy the kids, games, books from the National Library for borrowing, and sand arts. Some drink and food were also provided. The kids enjoyed themselves.



Soon, it was results time! Drumroll.........

We came in THIRD! YAY!!!!



All the consolation prize the colourful costumes and makeup!


So who was first? It was the simple girl telling hatseller and the monkey. So unassuming, the girl...None of the ego, no fist punching, no yaying, very quiet sweet girl. And runner up boy in baobao's competition got second. Again, Mrs Grace, his principal must be so happy both her boys, and the only ones in the competition made it to the top three!

Proud parents




Good job, Baobao. Well done!

On the whole, it was a great event. Very family oriented and great motivation for kids to read. In between, there were other programs like Read with Dad, performances...all part of a whole event to encourage children to read. Very meaningful.

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7 persons said

  1. ♥♥ BaoBao =) Great job for BaoBao, and also the mother and father xD Came out with the wonderful house background.

    Congratulation xD

  2. 谢谢,会跟他说网上有哥哥姐姐为他打气。

  3. 哇。厉害厉害。鼓掌鼓掌。


