My Girl

This morning, I had about 20 minutes before Meimei's school hour. Before I went int, I told Meimei to get ready for school and change out of her pyjamas.

Then I went and washed my hair. All was quiet outside the bathroom while I was washing my hair, and I did wonder if the little girl is up to any mischief. But thought the better of it.

While rinsing out my shampoo, I heard the bathroom door open. I did not bother to check as the kids always barge into the room while I am in it.

And when I came out, what greeted me was this.

Meimei in her full school gear. Uniform, socks, shoes and jacket all worn. The sound I heard in the bathroom was her putting her bottle on the vanity for me to fill.

Phew, I was surprised to find I took too long and it was already 9am! Good thing she got herself all ready. I had to kiss her for doing everything by herself.

When I returned from sending her to school, I saw this.

She used the stool to get the jacket which was hung too high up for her.

School was just one hour for today. But I had to make a couple of listing online. When she returned, she entertained herself the whole time while I was glued to the pc. Then it got very quiet. When I got up to cook lunch I found her ....

Meimei has been very good lately. Sweetest.  Very few of her past tantrums. And so I often make fun of her when she is being extra sensible. "Hey, where's my Meimei?" "I'm here!" she would say. "But you are not my Meimei, you are too good! My Meimei is a very naughty girl!"

"I have grown up Mommy!"

Oh sweetie sweets... I have often heard that little girls are the sweetest. Of late, I think my Dear Meimei is growing into one at last.

Wrapped her in my cardigan one day when we were caught in the rain,and it looked surprisingly good on her. Baobao said," wah, Meimei looks like a rich lady, holding her doggie in her rich clothes... " LOL

"I have grown up, Mommy"

Maybe she is just saying, "Enough of all your excuses, get online and do some work and stop using us as an excuse! " 

Heh.  So here I am.

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