New Fabric Stock at Inagaki's Shop

Some new stocks arrived and I'm itching to sew again.

Here's a new listing for the shop.

This is the first of a few new panels with interesting designs. I always find these designs facinating, as they offer a variety of designs in one panel alone. Of course I always bring in the ones that interest me most.

Lovely fabric design sends one's imagination into overdrive, doesn't it? I have made so many things in my head with this one already. :P ( That's just a nice way of saying I am a lazy crafter... hehe..)

Collage sheet is the art of putting different images together so that they form a harmonious picture on their own. There are some really nice ones I have seen on the internet. These are also quite nice. Don't judge the fabric on its own alone. Once made into items, their beauty is enhanced by a few times. Somehow.

It's been rainy and cool here for the past few days. Yesterday, I found my husband steal my blanket when I went to bed (after finishing Korean drama late into the night). He's always one who pushes away the blanket and needs the fan. So I am thinking if I should make a blanket each for the four of us. I cannot sleep without my blankie. *suck suck thumb* I have my eyes on two other lovely panels for the kids. Will post about it when I list the items. Quite pretty.

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2 persons said

  1. All the pictures you posted here are so pretty, especially the kids in Thailand..
    Feel grateful coming to your blog world.
    Keep posting

  2. Thanks for your comments and thanks for coming by, May!
    I haven't dropped by yours in a while ..
