A Housewife's Beauty Revelation

My quest for a better outward appearance had me embark on a skin saving mission. I have incorporated some routines into my daily life in order to achieve my goal.

1.) Drink 500ml of warm water first thing in the morning.
2.) Do facial and head massage every morning.
3.) Barley white rice mask every other day.
4.) Apply SPF cream and BB cream daily.
5.) Strictly wash my hair every alternate day (*shy* used to miss a day :P)
6.) Slather olive oil on my hair after wash.
7.) Drink a tonic heavy on 何首乌, heshouwu to save my thinning and slivery crown of (ex) glory.

Couple nights ago, I lamented to my Dear. I am regretful that I never paid enough attention to my looks and appearance. Last time, it was easy. While I wasn't in top form most of the time, as and when I needed to, I just needed spruce up a little and I was good to go. Be it for wedding dinners and some functions.

Being youthful, there wasn't much to upkeep. Late nights did not leave any marks on the face.

Even with that advantage, I was utterly lazy. I had once been advised, in a work appraisal, to pay attention to my grooming. I was too casual.

When I just began working, I took time to make up and wear jackets and suits. But when I started working in the industrial area, I stopped bothering and dressed more and more casually. The problem with my feet compounded the problem. My feet would sweat and throw tantrums if I dress them in nice working shoes. For a long time, I had aching feet. So I gravitated to comfy shoes which are mostly not so sharp looking. Thereby I cannot wear nice clothes as I did not have nice shoes.

Fact was, I just let it slide. I never was one who bothered much about appearance. Youth helped take care of things. Even sloppiness looked pretty cool back then.

And I was also fat. Way back from teenage times. Just not the nice skinny girls like I wished I was. Sometimes, I took slimming pills, excercise to lose weight but they always come back. And I let them. Somehow I did not have much motivation to lose weight and stay slim.

My take was, the inside was more important than the outside. And I was often disgusted by girls who are overly thin or pay too much attention to their looks. I found that shallow. What's important is the inside, I believed.

Lately my thoughts have changed. 

Not just due to ageing alone. I am inspired by Korean star Park Si Hoo, to pay more attention to my appearance.

I realise, (and sadly, only until now) that in our society, appearance is very important! DANG! I feel stupid making this revelation so far along now. But out there, in the work place, if you dress well, groom well, immediately what you say carry more weight. Sure, real hard work is important. But grooming, I finally geddit.

I am deeply inspired by how far along his looks has brought him. Offscreen, I see how he pays close attention to his appearance. The kind that would go on a two week diet just so a scene featuring his abs would look good on screen. The dedication!

Now I am not an actress and I do not need to go to their extent. But suffice to say, I have been deeply inspired to get a good look. When I look at him, I feel happy. So I imagine if I look good, the parties I interact with will be happy too, and that goes a long way to improve interpersonal relationships and in turn, one's career and life.

Why does a housewife need to look good? I dunno. But I feel that is one piece of my life that needs straightening out right now.

First and foremost - losing weight :P. If you are not slim? All the clothes and creams and hair sprays will not help. First, lose the fats.

And then time to do more homework on the millions of creams and makeups in the market. My God, what are those? They are totally alien to me. From the last time I even bothered to look until now, there's like a gazillion brands out there and every one of them sounds like I needed them! 

It's ridiculous, I dun even know what I need. 

And then comes the clothes, and shoes and accessories. It's crazy. I need to get a real job to fund all that! How will a housewife with no income do it? 

Slowly. :)

Being the utter noob as I am. I guess I have some mega homework to do.

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2 persons said

  1. i'm interested on the barley white rice mask, is it DIY one?

  2. Oh, that one. I just use barley and white rice and dried 山药. Just a small portion, add water and boil like cooking rice.

    Once these soften, I pour into the blender and blend them together.
    For the right consistency, if too thick or starchy, add water, if too watery, boil until it gets sticky enough.

    I made a small portion as it goes a long way, just abt three qtr of a normal rice bowl. Use some and refrigerate the rest and use when needed.

    As I am afraid of cold, normally, when I use, I heat it up abit by steaming it. Abit ley chey.
