Adjusting to a new timetable

The school year has begun and we are all adjusting to the new time table.

Things got abit messy as I try to conjure the timetable in my head. So I am now working at my desktop, using Excel to help me.


Truth be told, I was afraid to put it on paper. Because you know things are too fluid to freeze on paper. As I work through this, I question in my mind all the time whether I am wasting my time. According to this timetable, I should be in the kitchen working at lunch and dinner now! ( I am going to put that in later.)

I have spent about 30 minutes here now, and still haven't worked through the morning yet.

But I believe it will help me. There are 1001 things to do. And I don't have the brain power to process them in my brain now. So Excel it will be.

Didn't wanna do this last time because

  1. Dun wanna admit things are so crammed in life that you actually need a schedule to help yourself.
  2. Dun wanna bring the corporate stuffs into home life.
  3. Dun wanna be organised, just wanna go along with flow.
  4. And you know there are so many things that EVEN if you are to put them down on a schedule, you are not going to complete it. So kinda like trying to hide from the problem. - Because so what if you know you should be doing these, you just don't have the bandwidth to do it. Why make a timetable to scare yourself?

But reality has proven that there are reasons why people organise. It must help.

I decided to do this when I was boiling water this morning. My electric boiler boils 1.7l each time and according to our lifestyle, we need to boil 2-3 times daily. Why not change a bigger one and do it one time in the morning.  I thought about it and realised I spend quite some time boiling water, pouring it into containers daily.

Also, it's about time to start thinking to prepare lunch and dinner at one go. I can save time in the evening, maybe help Baobao with his homework later.

As small as a 5-persons-family living in a 90 square metre apartment, there are so many things that we can do better. And it always blows my mind when I stop to think about all the little tiny improvements we can bring to our lives ----

if I just spend some time thinking about them.

I'm not sure where blogging fits in. But anyways, I did it now. hehe. Gotta go fetch Meimei now.



1 persons said

  1. Hi! We are "CEO" need to incharge many things (every thing one leg kick)sure need to take some times to do adjustment. This year I am working 2 shift (is better for me, last time i did 2 shifts haha). My experience is the cook and fetch part is not the most difficult. The teaching and checking homework part is realy can kill me!!
