Life May Never Be the Same Again

Life has been a little miserable in the past two weeks. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure.

Been to the doctors 4 times and had a hbp reading couple of days back. So now I am on hpb meds. I made a complete, drastic change in lifestyle upon diagnosis. The dizziness and headaches broke my spirit. I fear I may die and leave behind my kids to grow up without me.

So now I do light excercise every morning, eat ALOT less salt, and stop snacking junk food totally. Breakfast has been cereals with milk and cranberries or raisin every morning. Also am going to start drinking vinegar daily.

The doctor said if the bp comes down enough he will let me use a less potent drug and see if I can wean off eventually. I hope I am not too late.

So that turns me into a complete health buff for the past week. Let me not lose this fear and continue on the discipline for the rest of my (hopefully long enough to see my children grow up ) life.

Good that this convinces me to stop and look carefully into my diet. Even though I was mindful of healthy eating, here and there, I still often indulged in junk food.

It also helps me know the priority in my life. My family. I wish to be around for my kids and beloved husband for as long as I can.

For my blog readers, may this be a reminder to you to choose healthy food, before it is too late.
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3 persons said

  1. 一定要好好照顾自己,不但是为了自己,也为了你爱的人,跟爱你的人
